Hope Village

Location: Ganda, Uganda
Language: Luganda
Industry: Agriculture
On the edge of the capital city of Kampala, the village of Ganda sits within the Buganda province. They are home to the largest ethnic group in Uganda with a population of close to 6 million.

About Hope Village Uganda
Ugandan families are deeply in need of support as they face critical challenges such as life-threatening diseases and devastating poverty. Many Ugandan families will not be able to send their children to school because they are unable to afford books and school supplies. Even meeting basic needs such as shelter, food, and access to clean water is a challenge for many Ugandan families.
Educational support is critical in providing hope for Ugandan families. A quality education that equips and empowers young people to become future leaders in their community is an important step as they prepare to address the issues faced by the nation of Uganda.

The Grace School
In 2011, George and Rose Nsimbi began ministering to the people of the village of Ganda, Uganda. As relationships were forged and villagers came to know the Lord, a church was established for the community. However, after spending more and more time with the people of Ganda, George noticed that many members had children who were of school age but were not attending school. George deeply felt the urgency to reach more of the community by offering an opportunity for a quality, affordable education to the children of Ganda. Thus Grace Primary School was founded.

George and Rose began to reach out to local mothers and grandparents who wanted to send their children to school, but were unable to due to poverty. Grace School offers families an affordable, and in some cases, a free education for their children. At it's founding, Grace School consisted of only two rooms. Over the last few years, as visibility and support has been raised for Grace School, a new school building was built with three completed floors, increasing the student capacity from 80 to nearly 400 students! Thanks to your support, more children have the opportunity to receive meals, a quality education, and the love of Jesus.
Thanks to the generous support of our Village2Village community, we have been able to complete the second story addition to the original school building at Hope Village Uganda. We are now beginning work on the third floor along with housing for staff. We are installing a much-needed irrigation system for the crops grown to supplement food for our 300 students and staff. The transition from wood cooking stoves to propane operated stoves has made making meals safer and more efficient for our students and staff.
We are also excited to announce our dream of a chicken and egg operation also recently launched! The operation will supply food for Hope Village as well as teach animal husbandry to the older students to create more steps toward sustainability.