Why is Village2Village Different?
There are many reputable and effective ministries and programs around the world that aid children and families in crisis or those who are recovering from the devastating effects of poverty, addiction, or abuse. Our goal is not to replicate or replace these ministries and programs. Instead, we seek to work alongside each other by supporting children and families who are facing difficult challenges and do our part in breaking the cycle of addiction, poverty, and abuse that fractures families.
We believe true transformation comes from a personal relationship with Jesus, and we hope to see communities and lives transformed by the living hope of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sharing hope by equipping and empowering children and their families in Uganda, Thailand, Greece, El Salvador, and our mission base in Fort Smith, AR.

There is much need in our world today. Many families are in crisis as they face challenges such as broken homes, addiction, substance abuse, hunger, and poverty. Roughly 10% of the world's population of children (220 million children) are living at risk.* Poverty, broken families, hunger, and disease are just a few of the serious problems faced by children every day globally.
Why minister to children and families?
Many children globally grow up in homes that are often unstable, broken, or lack the necessary support for healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual development. The home is a place where children should feel safe, where their practical needs are met, and where parents model and teach children how to develop and maintain strong, healthy relationships. If the home is fractured, a child’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and relational development is at risk. Families, particularly those living in low-income situations, are deeply in need of support as they face difficult challenges. Many children and their caregivers often feel lost or forgotten.
Our Mission
Our goal at Village2Village is to do our part in aiding under-supported children and families by sharing the the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, helping children develop a Biblical worldview, discipling families long-term, and meeting practical and educational needs that will help support families in breaking the devastating cycles of addiction, broken homes, and poverty.
Village2Village began with much prayer and a desire to reach families in vulnerable situations around the world with the good new of Jesus Christ. As we have grown, our campuses have become known as Hope Villages. Our team spans across oceans and are connected by their love of Christ and their hope to reach the children in their communities. Village2Village currently has Hope Villages in Northwest Arkansas, USA; and Ganda, Uganda; Athens, Greece; and Northeast Thailand.

About Our Founder

There is no darker place than the heart without hope. Genuine hope is an amazing thing, capable of turning any darkness into a landscape of vibrant possibility. The pinnacle of hope is the person of Jesus Christ. He is singular source of authentic and lasting change. He is a whole-life transformer. His hope changes a child, an adult, and entire communities when he and his character pass from mere information to daily application.
-Craig Smith
Village2Village founder, Craig Smith, spent many years using music as the main platform for his ministry, writing and recording fourteen music projects with several songs charting the top ten national Christian charts. He was once nominated for a Dove award for the best worship album of the year and Sesac’s Inspirational Songwriter of the Year.
Though for years his music led him to travel nationally and internationally, he has been firmly rooted and involved leading his local church family in Arkansas along with his wife Dianna for over thirty years.
“They went out and traveled from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing everywhere.” Luke 9:6
*UNICEF. A post-2015 world fit for children.