
Roughly 10% of the world's population of children (220 million children) are living at risk. Poverty, broken families, trafficking, hunger, and disease are just a few of the serious problems faced by many children every day globally. The ministries of Village2Village are committed to serving children and families living in vulnerable situations such as these around the globe while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe true transformation comes from a personal relationship with Christ, and we hope to see communities and lives transformed by the living hope of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

“If I could relive my life, I would devote my entire ministry to reaching children for God.”
D.L Moody
Our Village2Village Partners
Village2Village began with much prayer and a desire to reach families in vulnerable situations around the world with the good new of Jesus Christ. As we have grown, our campuses have become known as Hope Villages. Our team spans across oceans and are connected by their love of Christ and their hope to reach the children in their communities. Village2Village currently has Hope Villages in Northwest Arkansas, USA; Ganda, Uganda; Athens, Greece; and Northeast Thailand.

Located in Fort Smith, AR, the future Hope Village international base will not only house our Hope Village USA ministries, it will also serve as Village2Village's headquarters for connecting our Hope Villages across the world. We are currently working to finish construction on the new Hope Center building. Follow along on our progress here, by subscribing to our newsletter, and by following us on our social media sites.